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When we travel we like freedom, but...


When we travel for work or leisure we like freedom. This is the main reason why we leave our guests free to stay in our apartment without any interference in their staying.


Nevertheless we know that meeting local people may be the secret key to many places, events, venues that normally 'tourists' do not access.


If you want we are here to facilitate your Riviera experience as if you were a local.

About Us

We are a couple living in Bogliasco since 2003. We had several experiences around the world and now we live "almost" permanently here.

Marco & Cristina


Marco is working as a freelance consultant for the international cooperation. He had experience of humanitarian and developmental programs in Middle East and Africa.


Cristina is working in a bank, but has a passion for Shiatsu that very soon will become her main activity.


We both like nature and we live on the surrounding hills of Bogliasco in a secluded village where we grow our own food (vegetables and extra virgin olive oil).

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